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“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

- Matthew 28:19-20


Missions Beyond Borders is comprised of individuals with a passion for missions. Serving in diversified areas through the years, the Lord is uniting us to use the gifts that he has given us to serve together in missions. Our desire is to bring awareness and unite the body to further the Good News of the Gospel and reveal the love of Christ by reaching out to those in need.

Throughout the years we have been blessed and privileged to serve in missions to various countries. Our team consists of individuals actively involved in missions. We are pastors, long-term missionaries, administrators, facilitators, team leaders and more. Our experience ranges from oversight and administration of missions to planning and coordinating short-term overseas trips and building projects.

Many within our group have been involved in Disaster Relief efforts. We have served in a relief center to workers in ground zero during 911, participated in building projects and assisted in the care of displaced families due to Hurricane Floyd and Katrina. We are currently involved in the Haiti earthquake relief within the city of Jacmel. Within the group are individuals trained in CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) and CERT (Community Emergency Response Training) recognizing that all these gifts and experiences came from the Lord Jesus Christ who makes all things possible.

Missions Beyond Borders desires to be a vessel to involve individuals and equip churches and organizations that are like-minded. We believe one of the reasons for our involvement in missions is to help encourage others to experience the mighty works of the Lord in the mission field firsthand. As we continue to prayerfully seek the Lord for direction we desire to see Him glorified in all that He allows us to accomplish.


Missions Beyond Borders is a non-profit missions organization. Our heart is to share the gospel message of Jesus Christ with the world around us while helping those who are down-trodden. We desire to touch the lives of those whom the Lord brings through various outreaches. Whether though disaster relief or difficult times we will provide help with medical supplies, food, or clothing to alleviate some of the practical needs. Through acts of compassion and mercy we want to show the love of Jesus Christ and share the hope that we have in Him to those who have lost hope.

Missions Beyond Borders was formed by like-minded individuals with the same passion to impact the world. We have experienced firsthand the marvelous works of God in overseas and local missions and we want to encourage others to get more involved in the Great Commission as specified in the scriptures:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”- Matthew 28:19-20

As we continue to be active in local and overseas missions we hope to make the body of Christ more aware of what God is doing in the mission field and the opportunities to get involved in making an impact in the lives of the poor and needy. We want to assist and support like-minded churches and organizations who desire to begin or expand their missions ministry. Here are just a few of the opportunities and services MBB can provide:

Involving your congregation in overseas short-term trips

  • Serve and provide support in Disaster Relief efforts
  • Facilitate or establish a mission ministry in your church
  • Coordinate building-type projects for orphanages, churches and communities
  • Support, train and send out of full time missionaries around the world

Whether you are a small congregation or larger organization, if you desire to impact the world for Christ through missions, we welcome the opportunity to speak with you! We can help equip you in starting your own mission’s ministry, support your existing one, or let us be your outreach to the world by providing opportunities for you to get involved. Please browse through our website and contact us for more information.

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